eugman on Sat, 14 May 2005 23:03:28 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] Lots of actions.

I drop from the running of grammar nazi.

For the cfi in which I am the defendant I declare this as my statement/defense ect...
Statement: Truth is beauty. Beauty is truth. Since Raelus's analysis lacks beauty is therefore lack truth and my proposal is a legal move.}}

I also ask for anyone who was planning on voting against cityscape was the only reason because of over abundance of  subgames? Also should I just let it die or try again next week but make it interconnected with the grid  if that passes?

I give Wonko the two Genechips he deserves for being a cool guy.

I submit the cfi to get at peter.
== Nice try, Peter. ==

Defendant: Peter

Statement:  Peter's proprosal doesn't actually propose anything, is full of nonsense,  makes no reference to the game and plagerized. Therefore p74 is invalid.

Analysis by Plaintiff:
The rules say that  each Proposal consists of a list of Gamestate Changes, that is, changes to the state and/or existence of some number of Game Objects. P74 contains one line in the interrogative form and the rest are declarative. A proposal needs statments in the imperative form in order to command any changes to the gamestate. Now even though one is allowed to use a declarative to demonstrate the existence of a game object this proposal does not even do that. This proposal does not reference any existing game objects nor does it declare the existence of new ones. Instead is it full of lines about eternal summer and rough winds and other such rubbish.  I therefore find this proposal not meeting its requirements of a proposal and has nothing to do with the game.

I also declare that you all shall rue the day my proposal was stuck down.

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