Daniel Lepage on Fri, 13 May 2005 12:29:51 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [s-b] Raelus rolls for Duel

On May 13, 2005, at 7.39 AM, Raelus wrote:

And thus, I take my Amplitude loss. Happy? Or are you going to continue to abuse the system with the help of people who don't the see the threat to emselves?

Ah, but the current SORC doesn't let you use the dice roller - you have to ask me, and I take care of it.

I used the old B Nomic Dice Roller (www.bnomic.org/die.php), and it says you got a 20. So in fact, nothing happens :D

I modify the only official SORC to read as HowToRollDice reads now, and a prop is forthcoming to curb my power slightly.


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