Jeremy Cook on Thu, 20 Jan 2005 12:44:26 -0600 (CST)

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[s-b] Roster, Meta, and Justice update 77/7

Okay, here's the update:

Personman is no longer Hiding Under a Rock.
Wonko is hiding under a Rock until 1/23.
Hjallti forfeits.
Peter forms Pete's Scamming Society.
Pete's Scamming Society does not succeed in taking Action 1 or Action 2, since
a) those things aren't Actions, and b) Scores and Rule Changes are regulated.

I swear in the following Ministers:
Meta-Ministry: Zarpint
Justice: Zarpint
Forking Paths: Peter
Twiddles: Peter
Roster: Zarpint
Rules: Peter
Web: Wonko
Arcana: Peter
Change: Peter
Cards: Wonko
Board: Peter

bd rules "Illegality when Joining" TRUE, but it has no effect, since H.

bd gets 10~ and 1TW. 
Twiddler, note this, although I'm not sure if the Basin can currently create

points for props:

+28 bd
+10 Wonko
+17 Peter

Ministerial payment (for the old Ministers):

Phil gets 80 points and 4TW, I get 60 points and 3TW, Wonko gets 60 points and
3TW, and bd gets 20 points and 1TW.

Roster up-to-date.
Ministry Update up-to-date.
CFI Display up-to-date.

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