Phil Ulrich on Sun, 5 Dec 2004 19:13:30 -0600 (CST)

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[s-b] Various stuff recognizer

MiniTwid: Watering vines actually costs ~5 now (thanks, Wonko :P) so now that's been recognized.
MiniChange: Not much to do... yet.

MiniCard: After working with Wonko on the card scripts again, everyone now drew their "welcome to a new week" card. Since nothing was in the deck, we -all- drew the Card of DOOM!. I play my Card of DOOM!, choosing Araltaln's Investment, The Pusher Robot's Luggage Mixup, and The Voice's Tournament Russian Roulette, as well as my own Apple White. These cards are all discarded, and I gain 15 points.
MiniBoard: The Boosters, Teleporters, and Interdictors have all been 
placed, and the new p-specs and p-spec changes from last week are in 
the BoP.
New Dealism:
You have two cows. The government shoots one cow, milks the other, and pours the milk down the sink.
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