wonko on Mon, 1 Nov 2004 20:17:49 -0600 (CST)

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[s-b] [auto] PlayerPersonman submits p1934

Auto-mailed on nweek 72, nday 4
Sent at Tue Nov  2 02:17:48 2004 GMT

PlayerPersonman has submitted a new proposal, p1934.

Proposal 1934/0: The other stuff.
A Standard Proposal by PlayerPersonman
Last modified on nweek 72, nday 4

Add a rule:
_The taxbot_
There exists a Game Document named the Taxbot. The Taxbot consists of the following: 

* A list of all players who have or have had an Account with the Taxbot
* A list of the resources each player on the list owns that they have designated as usable by the taxbot.
* A list of the uses each player on the list has entrusted the Taxbot to use the resources they have entrusted to it for. These uses must be recurring payments demanded by the gamestate [[such as Weeding and Watering, and all forms of Taxation]]. 

These lists are to be arranged in three vertical columns, such that the name of the account-holders line up with their resources and uses. 

Whenever a payment on a Player's list is demanded by the gamestate, the Taxbot uses up to the demanded amount of resources from the Player's listed resources to fulfill that demand. The Taxbot does not take these actions in it's own name, but rather performs them for the account holder. The account holder is fully responsible for all actions taken by the Taxbot in their name. 

All resources entrusted to the Taxbot are still owned by the Player who entrusted them. The Taxbot may not own resources. 

Any player may create an account with the Taxbot at any time. Any player may entrust resources to the Taxbot at any time. No player may add resources to any resource list but their own. 


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