wonko on Fri, 29 Oct 2004 20:21:05 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] [auto] Wonko submits p1932

Auto-mailed on nweek 72, nday 1
Sent at Sat Oct 30 01:21:04 2004 GMT

Wonko has submitted a new proposal, p1932.

Proposal 1932/0: Redefining Societies once again
A Standard Proposal by Wonko
Last modified on nweek 72, nday 1

Replace r578 with:
__ Societies __

I. What's a Society?
Societies are Game Objects.

Each Society has collection of Outsiders called its members.

Each Society has a Charter. Charters are Game Documents that can be revised, but only according to the rules.

II. What's in a Charter?
The members of a Society are expected to conform to its Charter. If a member fails to do so, the Society may Expel em, which causes 50~ to be transfered from the member to the Society, after which the member ceases to be a member of that Society.

III. Actions
Each society must have a Speaker, who is an Outsider and is a member of the society. The Speaker is responsible for declaring when the Society takes game actions; if the Speaker does not announce that the society took an action, then the action was not taken.

A society may only take actions that the rules permit them to take. A society takes an action when its Speaker says it does.

IV. Joining a Society
Any Outsider may Apply for Membership in any Society. Any Society may make any Outsider a member of itself, but only if the Outsider in question has Applied for Membership in a Society within the past nweek and hasn't indicated on a public forum that e has changed eir mind.

V. Leaving a Society

Any member of a Society may leave the Society at any time. Any Society may force a member of itself to leave; this is called Ousting that member.

VI. Possessions
Except where the rules state otherwise, a Society may possess any object that a player could legally possess, and any transferral of objects from one Player or Society to another Player or Society that would be legal if both entities in question were Players is legal.

VII. Charters
Societal Charters are Game Documents. A society may revise its own charter at any time provided that current charter of the society permits it, or all members of the society agree to it.

VIII. Creation
Once per nweek, each player may create a new society whose only member is that player. That player becomes the Speaker for the society, and may specify the contents of the Charter (if e does not, the Charter is empty).

IX. Size restrictions
If a society has no members, it is destroyed.

If a society has fewer than three members, then it is called a Stub society. A Stub society may not be given objects, nor may it give them away. A Stub society can take no actions except:
 * Modifying its Charter
 * Accepting new members
 * Ousting current members
 * Destroying itself

A society with three or more members may be referred to as a Club.

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