wonko on Sat, 28 Aug 2004 08:18:17 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] [auto] Wonko submits p1905/0

Auto-mailed on nweek 68, nday 7
Sent at Sat Aug 28 13:18:15 2004 GMT

Wonko has submitted a new proposal, p1905.

Proposal 1905/0: A Minister Of Cards
A Standard Proposal by Wonko
Last modified on nweek 68, nday 7

Add a new subsection to section D of r625 [[Ministries]]:
__The Ministry of Cards__

The Ministry of Change is a Ministry; its Minister may be referred to as the Dealer. The Dealer is responsible for maintaining one or more Public Displays containing the following information:
 * The names, images, and full texts of all extant cards
 * The locations of all copies of every card (i.e., whose hand are they in, or are they in the deck, or in some sort of 'in play' state, etc.)


This is *not* a cushy government job. I have very few scripts helping me with this, and pretty much everything besides drawing cards I do directly through MySQL. To take on this job, you must be willing to track all of this yourself, with no help from me - I'll provide the current state of the deck and of people's hands as of when you take on the Ministry, and I can send you the deal_card.php and transfer_card.php scripts, but beyond that you're on your own.


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