Daniel Lepage on Fri, 30 Jul 2004 07:57:14 -0500 (CDT)

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[Spoon-business] Prop: Elections

An Idea presents itself:

I propose:
__Pick and Choose__

Reenact rule 1823 [[ Standard Election Procedure ]] and add the following subsections to section C (selection methods):
__C.2. Approval Voting__

Approval Voting is a Selection Method. In an election using Approval Voting, a legal vote consists of a list of any number of the choices.

The choice selected by the Election is whichever choice appeared on the greatest number of Eligible voters' votes; in the event of a tie, Kurt Godel picks one of the tied choices to be selected.
__C.3. Instant Runoff Voting (IRV)__

IRV is a Selection Method. In an election using IRV, a legal vote is a list of all the choices, ranked in an order of the Voter's choosing.

The choices are then eliminated, one by one, by repeatedly eliminating the choice which ranked highest on the fewest number of votes, and then removing that choice from each of the votes (so that those who ranked it highest have their votes transferred to their second choice). If there are multiple such choices, and removing them would not remove all remaining choices, then all of them are eliminated simultaneously.

If this results in all but one choice being eliminated, then that choice is Selected by the election. Otherwise, Kurt Godel selects one of the winning choices to be Selected by the election.

Then alter the preface (the bit before section A) as follows:
Amend the first paragraph to read:
" An Election is a type of event used to make a decision. An Election has five primary attributes: a list of Eligible Voters, a Duration, a Selection Algorithm, a list of choices, and a Moderator."

Add a new second paragraph:
"The Moderator is an Outsider. E is responsible for counting the votes and announcing the results of the election."

Add to the end of the last paragraph:
"If an election is called, but no Moderator is specified, it is assumed that Kurt Godel is the Moderator."

I then propose:
__Let's do it right__

Replace the text of rule 625, section B [[Ministers -> Ministerial elections]] with:
__Ministerial Elections__

Any player may start an Election for any Open Ministry as a Game Action, provided that there is not already an Election in progress for that Ministry; that player may also specify .

For five ndays following the start of an Election, players may Nominate other players or themselves to be Candidates in that Election. Players so Nominated may accept or reject their nominations; those that accept become candidates in the election. After these five ndays have passed, the Election enters the Voting phase, and an Election is called. This Elections has all players as Eligible Voters, four ndays as its Duration, the candidates as the choices, the Selection Method specified by the player who called the election as its Selection Method (or Borda Count if the caller didn't specify), and Kurt Godel as the Moderator.



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