David E. Smith on Mon, 12 Apr 2004 23:10:09 -0500 (CDT)

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[Spoon-business] Nweek 61 RESULTS

Random Game Stuff:

Holy Goddess, we still have Gremlins... Wonko pays 21 points to the
Gremlin Fund, thus causing the Witch Gremlin to dust off eir Cauldron, and
curse SkArcher. SkArcher cannot vote for nweek 61. (The Curse expires at
the end of the nweek, and the Witch Gremlin becomes Active, even though e
certainly already was.)

Teucer gives 1 point to Scoff!.
Teucer gives 1 point to Aquarion.


"Sophistry" is p1839/0.

Mad Roster Lovin':

Scoff! returns to B Nomic. Welcome back!
Aquarion joins B Nomic. Welcome!
Mikie goes On Leave.
Wonko goes On Leave, Lurking, 'til Samhain.
The Pusher Robot goes On Leave, Lurking, 'til June 1.

Nweek Stuff:

The new Gremlin Number is twelve.

Welcome to nweek 62.

Proposal 1833/1 (Kill the BNS) (Zarpint):
AFF: bd, Teucer x4, The Voice x4, Zarpint x4
NEG: Glotmorf, Iain, Sagitta, Wonko
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (13-4-0-0). Measure is Vetoed by the Administrator.
Nice try, UNSEEN. (I probably would have vetoed this anyway, on account of
not really wanting to do a massive search-and-replace on the whole
Created p1840/0.

Proposal 1834/1 (Save Dave) (Zarpint):
AFF: bd, Iain, Sagitta, Teucer, The Voice, Zarpint
NEG: Glotmorf, Wonko
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (6-2-0-0). Measure passes. Zarpint gains 15 points.
Created r625/21. (Please don't Eclair the ~ just yet.)
Zarpint is the Meta-Minister as specified in 625.C.9. Go to town, friend.

Proposal 1835/0 (Not Again!) (SkArcher):
AFF: bd, Glotmorf, Iain, Sagitta, The Voice
NEG: Teucer, Wonko, Zarpint
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (5-3-0-0). Measure passes. SkArcher gains 12 points.
Created r23/6.

Proposal 1836/0 (Curb Platonism) (Sagitta):
AFF: bd, Glotmorf, Iain, Sagitta x2, The Voice, Wonko, Zarpint
SHL: Teucer
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (8-0-0-1). Measure passes. Sagitta gains 15 points.
Updated the Platonism Mandate.

Proposal 1837/0 (Any Sufficiently Advanced Magic is Indistinguishable from
Technology) (M-Tek):
AFF: Glotmorf, Wonko (2), Zarpint
NEG: Sagitta, Teucer, The Voice
ABS: bd
SHL: Iain
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (3-3-1-1). Measure fails. Measure is Shelved.
Created p1841/0.

Proposal 1838/0 (We love Rob) (Zarpint):
AFF: Teucer
NEG: Wonko
SHL: bd, Glotmorf, Iain, Sagitta, The Voice, Zarpint
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (1-1-0-6). Measure fails. Measure is Shelved.
Created p1842/0.

Affirmative vote counts (BW Grem):
Zarpint: 11 votes
SkArcher: 5 votes
Sagitta: 7 votes
M-Tek: 3 votes

Contrary vote counts (1pt per):
Wonko: 2 votes
Glotmorf: 1 votes
Zarpint: 1 votes
Teucer: 1 votes

Psychic vote counts (IOB):
Zarpint: 2 votes
The Voice: 3 votes
Iain: 3 votes
bd: 3 votes
Teucer: 1 votes
Sagitta: 3 votes
Glotmorf: 2 votes
Wonko: 1 votes

Plus Points:
Zarpint: 15
SkArcher: 12
Sagitta: 15

Minus Points:

Plus Props:
Zarpint: 1
SkArcher: 1
Sagitta: 1

Minus Props:
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