Bill Adlam on Mon, 12 Apr 2004 11:32:15 -0500 (CDT)

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[Spoon-business] Re: [spoon-discuss] p1833

Wonko pointed out:

> Rule 19 states that when a proposal passes, the gamestate changes 
> listed within are made. This takes precedence over rule 27, which 
> states that a player who is ineligible for a Win may not win.

But if a proposal breaks any rule, it violates r10, which has a still
higher precedence.

> Actually, r27 is botched - it says ineligible players "may not win",
> not "may not be awarded wins"; it was determined by some CFI or other
> that "to win" and "to be awarded a win" are not the same thing.

In that case, I award myself a Win.

And, amid the end-of-nweek turmoil, I propose:

Add the following sentence to Rule 746, after the sentence 'The mentor
pool is a set of active players none of whom are newbies or mentors.':
An active player is a player whose activity is greater than or equal to

Add the following bullet point to the end of Rule 15, section B:
Democratic: In a Democratic poll, the Issue Fails if at least half of
all active players (as defined at the start of voting) vote against it.
 This is known as a legislative veto.

In Rule 23, add the word 'Democratic' between 'Concealable' and
'Imperial' in the second sentence.

In the same rule, replace the paragraph
The polls on a Ballot have an additional voting option: Shelve. Shelve
votes are treated as No votes; however, if a Ballot poll fails, but it
would not have failed if the Shelve votes had been Yes votes, then the
proposal of that poll is Shelved - it neither passes nor fails, and is
included on the next nweek's Ballot. If a ballot poll fails, but would
not have failed if the Administrator hadn't vetoed it, the player who
proposed the vetoed proposal, if one exists, has the choice of having
the proposal Shelved, or having the proposal treated as Failed and
receiving one more than the maximum number of points possible from that
proposal's passage bonus, and 1 Style.
The polls on a Ballot have an additional voting option: Shelve. Shelve
votes are treated as No votes; however, if a Ballot poll fails, but it
would not have failed if the Shelve votes had been Yes votes, then the
proposal of that poll is Shelved - it neither passes nor fails, and is
included on the next nweek's Ballot. 

A proposal is said to be vetoed if it failed, but would have passed if
not for an administrative or legislative veto.  If a proposal is
vetoed, the author, if any, has the choice of having the proposal
Shelved, or having the proposal treated as Failed and receiving one
more than the maximum number of points possible from that proposal's
passage bonus, and 1 Style.


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