David E. Smith on 31 May 2003 05:47:01 -0000 |
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[Spoon-business] The Clock is OFF |
The Clock is Off (Vote-counting). It's gonna be off for a couple of days. The office is in the last stages of IP Renumbering Hell, and Usenet Volunteer Votetakers is no longer so much an organization as it is me (the other votetakers are on holiday, business trips, or just plain AWOL). Thus I've gotta start taking and counting votes for not only B Nomic, but a half-dozen newsgroup proposals as well. Right now, it kinda sucks to be me. :-) I've got all the votes entered, but I have to implement those proposals that passed, repeal Nomvivor (which was repealed after Wonko won last nweek), clean up the Grid (as our GridMin has dropped off the face of the planet, and the Entropy cleanup from last nweek still needs to be done), plus all the usual nweek-transition stuff. Wheeeeee! ...dave -- David Smith dave@[technopagan.org|bureau42.com|whatisay.com|mvn.net] This signature contains 35% or more post-consumer recycled electrons. _______________________________________________ spoon-business mailing list spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx http://lists.ellipsis.cx/mailman/listinfo/spoon-business