David E. Smith on 31 Oct 2002 04:07:02 -0000

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[Spoon-business] The Daily Recognizer (Wednesday evening)

Stuff from before the SOE:

"I shall call him... 'Mini-Me.'" is 1172/0.
"Repeal rule 1144" is 1173/0.
"The Hand of The Voice" is 1174/0.
"Societies and Corporations" is 1170/1, 1170/2, 1170/3, 1170/4.
"This is to Inform You That..." is 1156/2.
"Lake Caffeine" is 1175/0.
"If It Ain't Real, Don't Wave It" is 1176/0.
"Number Guessing" is 1171/1, 1171/2.
"Make it so" is 1173/1, 1173/2.
"Disposing of the Idol" is 1177/0.
"Only When You're There" is 1178/0.
"The Lottery" is 1179/0, 1179/1, 1179/2, 1179/3.
"If It Ain't Broke, Don't... Oh, Never Mind" is 1180/0, 1180/1 (rectified:
you had two part 8's)

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: proposals 1170 and 1180, when combined, and read
backwards in Pig Latin, will cause Cthulhu to awaken. Don't ask how I know.

Lord Gregarian rules TRUE on CFI 1155.
Lord Gregarian rules FALSE on CFI 1162.
Wonko rules FALSE on CFI 1163.
Athena REFUSES CFI 1098 (it's moot, but still...)
Wonko APPEALs CFI 1155. Wonko, Glotmorf, and Rob are asked to look it over.

Trying to work out who's supposed to even BE in The Upper House is a PITA.
We need at least a Ministry of Justice, if not a whole new justice system.

Answer to Glotmorf, re p1138: Even though The Voice has forfeit, I don't
know of any reason eir legal proposals submitted prior to eir forfeiture
would disappear. They'll stay on the ballot, but nobody will earn or lose
points as a result.

I've posted the Refresh Proposals too. Wheee!


David E. Smith <*> dave@[technopagan.org|bureau42.com|whatisay.com]
I'm a white male loser -- the profile of the serial killer.  (RSPW)

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