Wonko on 19 Oct 2002 16:23:02 -0000

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[Spoon-business] WBE

I create the following society:

__Wealthy Bastard Enterprises__

The name of this society is Weathy Bastard Enterprises, or WBE.

The Initial Member of WBE is Wonko.

WBE has Resource Pools of BNS and Units of Raw Materials.

Any player may give BNS or Units in eir possession to WBE by declaring that
they do so in a public Forum.

One member of WBE is said to be the Wealthy Bastard, or Boss. All other
members may be refferred to as Employees. At the beginning of each nweek, 55
BNS is transferred from WBE to the Boss of WBE, and 11 BNS is transferred
from WBE to each Employee of WBE. The Wealthy Bastard may change either of
these two salaries by declaring so in a public forum.

Non-employee players may join WBE if they request to join, and the Boss
declares that they may join.

The Boss may oust any employee from WBE at will.

If at any time WBE has no Boss, the employee who has been an employee the
longest becomes the Boss.

The Boss is empowered to mandate any action of WBE. E also is empowered to
modify the Charter of WBE by declaring in a public forum that e does so.

So, here's the situation: There are four possible conditions: Either
Glotmorf's interpretation of the WBE rule is legal, or mine is, and either
Glotmorf's proposal to 'clean up' the WBE rule passed, or it didn't.
I don't actually believe there are four possibilities, because I think
Glotmorf's interpretation is entirely wrong and misguided, but the
possibility is included here for clarity.


A. My Interpretation is Valid
    A.1. Glotmorf's proposal passes
        Under my interpretation, r1073 did in fact create WBE. Therefore,
Glotmorf's subsequent attempt to recreate it was impossible - it already
existed. However, as eir proposal passed, WBE is no longer defined by the
rules, and thus it is now legal to create it via normal methods. Therefore,
my actions at the beginning of this message make me the Wealthy Bastard.
    A.2. Glotmorf's proposal fails
        Again, r1073 did in fact create WBE, with me as Boss. As the rule
hasn't been changed since, I am still the Boss of WBE. My actions above were
then illegal, but it doesn't matter, since I already have the job.

B. Glotmorf's Interpretation is Valid
    B.1. Glotmorf's proposal passes
        Alright, so r1073 somehow failed to create WBE. It still isn't legal
for Glotmorf to create it - since there is a rule trying to define an object
as WBE, a new society called WBE would be in violation of rule 2, which
states that all entities must have uniquely identifying names. The name WBE
was already used by r1073, in reference to another entity. But now that the
proposal passed, WBE is no longer defined in r1073, so my above actions were
legal, and I'm the Boss of WBE.
    B.2. Glotmorf's proposal fails
        Okay, r1073 still failed to create WBE. But it still used the name
WBE, rendering any attempt to create a new object called WBE illegal by rule
2. So Glotmorf's attempt failed, and my above attempt failed, and nobody's
the Boss of WBE because the rule doesn't work right. This is the only
outcome where I am *not* the Wealthy Bastard; however, neither is Glotmorf.

Thus, if Glotmorf's proposals passed, I am definitely the Boss of WBE; if it
failed, then either I am or nobody is, depending on the outcome of
Glormorf's CFI.

The Wealthy Bastard (three possibilities out of four)

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