David E. Smith on 23 Jul 2002 00:51:04 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Nweek 20: nweekly transition notes

There's something for everyone in here!

bd gives the Sushi to Glotmorf.
Glotmorf drinks eir Champagne. (+3 Style)
The Voice drinks eir Scotch. (+2 BAC, +1 Style)

The Insta-Minister, having been on the job for four nweeks, earns 1 point
of Respect.

Nweek 20 ends. Whew!

Rocky buys a Big Rock, complete with Siren (Jessica). (4 pts)

The Bandit Gremlin tries to "borrow" 26 points from Glotmorf (for passage
of eir Bondage proposal), and give them to Athena (who had a score of 0
when this all began) but is prevented by the Immunity Idol.

Pinhead bowls mediocre frames -- players who wrote proposals score 12
points each.

Nweek 21 begins...

The new Gremlin Number is 73.
The Immunity Idol is awarded to Glotmorf (again).
The Token of Proposals is not awarded to The Voice (again). The Bandwidth
Gremlin goes into Hiding.
Bruce Burns a random player: Athena is Burnt and loses one proposal.

Would somebody buy a Gnome or two? The Gnome Factory cannot legally
produce anything but Sheep Gnomes. (Another one appears, by the way.)

The Weather updates: it's still bloody hot. (Someone oughta make a law...
no, really. Trying Grid weather to the nyear kinda makes sense. And it'll
give the Weather Man something to do. :)

The Illegally Obtained Ballot is awarded to bd. (bd is asked to remind me
of this fact when voting, if e chooses to use the IOB.)

Ministers are asked to submit nweekly invoices for services rendered.

Glotmorf's weird sushi'd proposal is 908/0.

I'm not yet recognizing Wonko's proposals, because of this statement:
"Looks like I still have three proposals this nweek, so:"
Since they were submitted after the end of nweek 20, they'd count against
Wonko's nweek 21 bandwidth, not 20 (during which e had 3 proposals left
unused). E may not have been aware of this fact.


---- David E. Smith, POB 515045, St. Louis, MO 63151
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