Wonko on 25 Jan 2002 23:56:10 -0000

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spoon-business: Another revision

Amend the proposal 'I'm Higher on the Food Chain!' to be:

__I'm Higher on the Food Chain!__

Amend rule 33 to be:

Each Rule has an attribute called Chutzpah, which is a positive integer. In
the event of a conflict between two or more rules, the rule with the highest
Chutzpah takes precedence.

If two or more rules have equal Chutzpah, the rule with the lowest
identification number takes precedence.

If at least one of the rules in conflict explicity says of itself that it
defers to another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall
supersede the Chutzpah method for determining precedence.

If two or more rules claim to take precedence over each other or to defer to
one another, then the Chutzpah method again governs.

Whenever one section of a rule conflicts with another section of the same
rule, the section which appears later in the rule takes precedence over the
earlier section.

Give all rules a Chutzpah of 1.

Amend rule 217 to add the text 'When these delimiters are used to delimit a
rule, they may be followed by a string of the form <<keywordlist,
Chutzpahvalue>>, where keywordlist is a list of words, and Chutzpahvalue is
a number. A rule defined this way shall automatically be assigned all
keywords in the keywordlist, if any, and has a Chutzpah of Chutzpahvalue. If
<< and >> are not used in this way, the rule is assigned the keyword
uncategorized, and gets a Chutzpah of 1.'

Rationale: I was going to force people using the standard delimiters to use
<< >> as well, but I just realized that if this passed, all other proposals
later on the Ballot would become illegal for not using it. Needless to say,
that would be Bad (although it would be pretty funny ­ only my proposals are
legal! :p ). It's optional now.

Before speaking ill of someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
That way, when you say it, they're a mile away and you have their shoes.