David E. Smith on 27 Dec 2001 18:21:58 -0000

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RE: spoon-business: nweek 2 results!

On Thu, 27 Dec 2001, [iso-8859-1] Jörg Rathlev wrote:

> > 123/0 passed (5-3). I'm treating the one abstention as a "no" vote
> > since the rules only specify affirmative vs. not-affirmative
> > votes. It passes either way...
> Hmmm. The intended meaning was that I don't vote on that issue.

Mea culpa. Had you simply not voted (i.e. sent in a blank line or
something) I would've interpreted that as "not voting". But there was an
explicit vote (the "ABSTAIN" vote) present, so I was obliged to count it
as a non-affirmative vote (which I believed it was).

> \title{To abstain is an explicit way of *not* voting}

Recognized as 183/0.
And Antonio's Imperial proposal is 182/0.
