Joel Uckelman on 16 Feb 2001 02:56:31 -0000

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spoon-business: Recognition Elimination

I've gotten the impression that the whole recognition system is rather 
cumbersome, and just doesn't serve much purpose, save that of generating 
lots of unnecessary mail. So, lets nix it. Here's a Proposal to do that, 
entitled "Recognition Elimination":


1. Amend R109 to be entitled "Officer Jurisdiction" and read as follows:

"Each Officer is responsible for recording, in a timely fashion, a 
particular subset of Agentic actions. The Administrator is responsible for 
recording actions not specifically within the jurisdiction of any other 
Officer. Every action falls within the jurisdiction of at least one 

2. Retitle R228 to "Motion Numbering" and strike the last sentence.

3. Retitle R235 to "Numbering of Requests

4. Repeal R301.

5. If R304 has not been repealed, replace its last sentence with:

"All legal changes to Ballot Items must be reflected in the published 

6. Replace "recognising" in R310 with "numbering".

