Josh on 15 Aug 2001 04:46:01 -0000

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Re: hosers-talk: Radiohead Concert

"My name is Josh Kortbein" sez:
>> Ah, the Radiohead concert in Boston was damn good.  Just thought you'd like 
>> to know.
>Radiohead??? They suck. I mean, they suck. Suck, suck, suck, suck, suck. I
>hate them so much. They suck. I used to have a .sig with a quote of Billy
>Corgan's proclaiming how great they were, and I sucked because of it.
>Radiohead sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks. If I didn't say they sucked,
>no indie girls would visit my web page. So, Radiohead sucks. Please visit
>my web page. Radiohead sucks. I'm hip; I call my web page a "blog". Heh.
>That's short for "weblog". Radiohead sucks. Sucks, I tell you. Sucks.
>Radiohead.  Sucks.
>P.S. Smashing Pumpkins Rule!!!
>josh blog:

I did not send this. If it was Jon, then you can go to hell, Jon.
If it was anyone else, than you can get fucked by your mother with
a rusty tire iron. Up the ass.

No, wait. Jon too.

josh blog: