I didn't realize that you were here also. Cool.
> > I view logic & UI as two different aspects that need to be tied together.
> > There is no reason that two players couldn't view the same game state
> > with wildly different graphical presentations.
> This is one of my goals for VASSAL 4, to have a game model able to
> support clients other than the one we build. What I'm struggling with
> presently is that there's a third thing which you might call
> "presentation behavior" that people seem also interested in
> manipulating, and it's not clear to me whether this can be made client-
> independent, and if so, how to do that.
By "presentation behavior" do you mean
"methods used to change game state"?
For example, in Chess, a move could be characterized as either a single "move piece from s1 to s2" or the pair "pick up piece at s1" + "set piece down at s2". In the UI, the first could be a drag, while the second could be a click/move/click operation. Some human players may prefer one or the other (and either would work), but I can see that designing a model to support both simultaneously would add extra complexity.