Simon McGregor on Thu, 5 Aug 2010 05:41:43 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [game-lang] Language Syntax

> Rule A: Whitespace is never meaningful.
> Rule B: Relative indentation and unindentation are treated as
> delimiters, except where they are escaped. Single-line comments are
> terminated by newlines. Other whitespace is not meaningful.
> Rule C: Single-line comments are terminated by newlines. Other
> whitespace is not meaningful.

Actually, being super-pedantic, these whitespace treatment options
should be sets over the elements

WHITE-SEPARATOR: whitespace after an alphanumeric character functions
as a token separator.
NEWLINE-COMMENT: single-line comments are terminated by newlines.
INDENT-DELIMITER: relative indentation and unindentation are treated
as delimiters, except where they are escaped.

with a default that other whitespace is not meaningful.

The consensus here seems to be pro NEWLINE-COMMENT and presumably pro
WHITE-SEPARATOR (we don't want "f or all(X,C)" to be equivalent to
"forall(X,C)"), but anti INDENT-DELIMITER.

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