Simon McGregor on Thu, 5 Aug 2010 04:59:06 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [game-lang] Language Syntax

On 08/02/2010 04:28 PM, Richard Walter wrote:
> We have two potential rules:
> Rule A: Whitespace is never meaningful.
> Rule B: Whitespace at the begining of the lines is meaningful and used to
> indicate functional indention level, except when the previous line ended
> with an '\' to escape the newline, in which case whitespace at the beginning
> of the next line is not meaningful.  Whitespace not at the beginning of the
> line is not meaningful.
> And I see rule A as being way clearer&  concise than B.

I'd prefer something like Rule B, which I'd restate more intuitively as

Rule B: Relative indentation and unindentation are treated as
delimiters, except where they are escaped. Single-line comments are
terminated by newlines. Other whitespace is not meaningful.

And, being pedantic (and repeating myself), I think the majority of
people here here (certainly Richard, Joel and myself) prefer the
following over rule A.

Rule C: Single-line comments are terminated by newlines. Other
whitespace is not meaningful.


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