Michael Gorman on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 09:18:45 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [eia] French do, in fact, break the Austrians (does it matter, since we both committed the Guard?)

At 10:08 AM 2/21/2007, you wrote:
>Rolling a 2, +1 nets 15% of 48 - 15 casualties 1st round + 54 outflankers
>doubled (after 1 guard loss), = 141, 15% equals 21, 1 of which must be cav
>Allies took 26 total losses
>Austria 47.7% = 12.4 (12)
>Russia 36.9% = 9.6 (10)
>Swedes 6.7% = 1.4 (1)
>Turks 8.7% = 1.8 (2)
>Naturally there's an odd loss, Austria will "take it."

By the standards of this game, I guess I have to call a tie a win too.  On 
the bright side, I knew the outflanking force would arrive as I had to roll 
a 6 for them not to and I get 6's about half of their expected rate.  I've 
actually started planning forage numbers simply adding one to the map 
forage values since I know the odds of me rolling a 6 are so low.

However, on the balance I would say getting a boost of +1 to all strategic 
ratings of your commanders and all printed forage values in no way balances 
having almost no chance of ever winning a land battle.

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