Michael Gorman on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 17:17:49 -0600 (CST)

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[eia] Re: Not true, see, it's explicit, France is the attacker.

Appologies to Bill for sending this to him twice already but I missed the change in sender and was confused at it never hitting the list.

At 04:54 PM 3/14/2006, you wrote:
Not true, the blockaded fleets attempt to flee the port, thereby setting up an interception, the rules are actually explicit, and France is the attacker.

Under 7.1.3 France is the phasing player for all steps occurring during the French land phase. declares the attacker to be the phasing fleet that ends movement in the non-phasing fleet's location. The non-phasing player is moving so this isn't happening. It also says that the non-phasing intercepter is the battle when you've used the interception rules. But France is not a non-phasing intercepter, France is the phasing player.

If we treat this as interception, then the non-phasing player who made the decision to initiate the naval battle is the combined British/Russian fleet player.

Well I think is an exceptional rule since it is a non-standard naval battle declaration, even if we try to force it into as an interception, then the non-phasing player is the attacker and that is not France. As the French fleet has at no point entered the space of an enemy fleet, France cannot be an attacker under as the one way for the phasing player to be the attacker has not occurred.

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