Kyle H on Sat, 23 Jul 2005 07:38:50 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [eia] general thoughts

> 3.)  Here's a proposal of what to do if a player leaves:
> Give the player of the worst-off (furthest behind their victory point
> country the option of jumping ship and taking over the player-less
> Then run the worst-off country as a UMP.  We hate the UMP rules, but a)
> rules will have the least impact on the game applied to the worst-off
> and b) since we hate the UMP rules so much, this will light a fire under
> asses to find a new player.

    But this was the point of my previous email: what incentive does any new
player have to join a game in the middle with no chance to win?  What we
need to do is find an *incentive* for someone new to join a game when their
prospects would otherwise be awful.  Since a person wins or loses the game
via victory points, the only mechanism that we have to make a game playable
for a new player is to give them sufficient victory points to make it worth
their while to play.  I think Jim's suggestion does that, and I have not yet
heard enough about Joel's possible objection to be swayed by it.


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