J.J. Young on Mon, 6 Dec 2004 21:16:08 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [eia] Austrian economic phase, June '06

Hmm.  I showed Austria in the 12 box (and France in the highest 5 box).
What did I miss ?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Nate Ellefson" <nellefson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'public list for an Empires in Arms game'" <eia@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 7:14 PM
Subject: [eia] Austrian economic phase, June '06

> 1. Victory Points: 13
> 2. Money and Manpower Collection
> Austria
> 66/25 home country
> 26/8 conquered minors (Romagna, the Papal States, the Palatinate, Berg,
> Flanders)
> 6/0 domestic trade (Trieste and Antwerp)
> 6/0 American trade
> 104/33 total
> Bavaria -- 12/8
> Baden -- 6/4
> Hesse -- 8/4
> Wurttemburg -- 8/4
> Lombardy -- 14/6
> Venetia
> 10/4 home country
> 3/0 trade
> 3. Lending -- private
> 4. Manipulation
> Now -- None
> September -- None
> 5. Public expenditures
> Austrian: 12 corps, 5 depots -- $17
> Bavaria: 1 corps -- $1
> Venetia: 1 corps -- $1
> 6. PSA adjustment -- -3, to lowest 11
> 7. N/A
> 8. None
> 9. The Emperor is pleased to announce that in recognition of Archduke
> Charles' achievements at the head of His Stupendousness's armies, the
> Archduke has been made King of Italy, which includes as provinces the
> Papal States, Lombardy, Venetia, and Illyria.  In related news, in
> recognition of his failure to screw anything up recently, Archduke John
> has been made Grand Admiralissimo of the Italian High Seas Fleet.
> Anchors aweigh!  (+1 PP, to highest 11.)
> 10 and 11 are N/A
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