Kyle H on Sat, 20 Mar 2004 07:15:16 -0600 (CST)

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[eia] French econ phase, 12/07

A. Victory Points:  8  (subject to change depending on Austrian land phase)
B. Money and Manpower Collection:

91/30 French home nation values
10/3   Flanders
 3/1    Berg
 7/3    Lombardy
+6     American trade (if GB permits)

Holland:  14/6
Baden:  6/4
Wurttemburg:  8/4
Piedmont:  12/4

C. Lending Money:  private.
D. Manipulation:  none, set to zero.
E. Money and Manpower Expenditure:  private.
No new ships are under construction.
F. Political Status Adjustment:  -1 PP to top 7 box (subject to change depending on Austrian land phase).
G. Civil Disorder: n/a.
H. Ceding: none.
I. New Political Combos: none.
J. Levy: n/a.
K. UMP Control: n/a.

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