James Helle on 11 May 2003 16:50:01 -0000

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Re: [eia] Prussia's Dec. 1805 economic phase

Yes, I was unaware that ceding Lithuania did not cost me a PP.  My calculations were based on that assumption.
----- Original Message -----
From: J.J. Young
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2003 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: [eia] Prussia's Dec. 1805 economic phase

I show Prussia in the highest "10" box at the start of the economic phase, so they would get +10 victory points.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2003 9:44 AM
Subject: [eia] Prussia's Dec. 1805 economic phase

Victory points...................... 9 (?)
accumulated wealth...........classified
basic values  .......................36 / 18
ceded provinces  .................-7 / -3(Poland)
conquered minors  .............+13 / +6
normal trade  .......................+7
American trade  ...................+6
reparations  ...........................0
economic manipulation.  ....0
loans/subsidies  ...................classified
Net Income(visible) ............. 55 / 21
corps maintenance........6
fleet maintenance...........0
depot maintenance........2
unit purchases................classified
Visible Costs...................$8
Political Status Adj.  ......-2 to first dominant zone box (?)
Civil disorder..................none
Ceding step....................After collecting the taxes due it, Prussia returns control of Lithuania to the Polish peoples. (-1PP)
New Political Comb.   ..none
Levy step ........................n/a
UMP control  ..................n/a
Total Income .................$12 / 6 mp
Total Costs  ...................$1 (corps maintenance)
Net Income  ...................$11 / 6
Total Income .................$14 / 6
Total Costs  ...................0
Net Income  ...................$14 / 6
I'm not 100% sure if the stated VP's and political status is correct, but I believe that is where I stand.