Joel Uckelman on 22 Jun 2002 03:35:04 -0000

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[eia] Turkish land phase, Jan 1805

Place a depot at Constantinople. ($1)
Remove the depot at Ruschuk.

3I, 1C with Pechlivian Khan at Ruschuk => Constantinople ($4 depot supply)
1I N of Adrianople holds (F/5)
1I at Silistra holds (F/5)
1C at Nicopolis holds (F/auto)
1I at Ruschuk holds (F/auto)

1I at Erzurum => Trabizond (F/3)
1I, 1C with Kushanz Ali at Erzurum hold ($1 depot and F/5, respectively)

1C at Jerusalem => Jaffa (F/auto)
2I at Jerusalem with Grand Vizier hold (F/auto)
Syrians at Acre hold (F/auto)

Turkey spends a total of $6.

Forage rolls to come...


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