Christopher Smith on 22 Jul 2003 21:55:01 -0000

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[ALACPP] Thursday Night Meeting Info

Who: Those of you who have been asking for an evening meeting, and
hopefully everyone else.

What: A presentation of a generic event handler class.

When: Thursday, July 22, 2003.

Where: Overture Research, 210 South De Lacey, Pasadena.,+CA+91105-2048&country=&mag=10&cs=9&name=&desc=&BFKey=&BFCat=&BFClient=&ds=n

Note the Yahoo map actually has us one block further north than we
actually are.

Why: Because it'll be an interesting presentation, plus you'll get to
see the infamous Overture Research offices!


If you are coming from the West on the 134:
   take the 110S exit and then immediately exit onto Del Mar and head   
   east. Turn left on De Lacey, and then right onto Orange. The
   building is on your left and the parking is about 30ft down the road
   on your right.

If you are coming from the North on the 210:
   exit onto the 110S, and then follow the previous directions from

If you are coming from the East on the 210:
   take the Fair Oaks exit and head south. Turn right onto Orange.
   The building will be to your right just before De Lacey, and the
   parking will be on your left about 30ft. before the building.

If you are coming from the South on the 110N:
   ride it until the end, and continue north onto the Arroyo Parkway,
   turn left onto Del Mar, and then right on De Lacey. Turn right again
   onto Orange, and again the building is on your left, and the parking
   is about 30ft. past it on the right.

Attached is an Excel spreadsheet that diagrams the parking area. The
parking spots highlighted in blue are reserved for Overture, and you
should be able to park there for free without any problems. Other spots
will not likely be a problem, but I make no promises. Note you'll have
to cross the street to get to the actual building (there should be a
gate open providing access to the building, if not there is another
entrance to the building on De Lacey). The door to the building will be
locked. I'll wait there until a few minutes passed the hour, after that,
if you want to get in, you'll need to call me on my cell phone (please
send me e-mail off-list for the number). Alternatively you can try
banging on the windows, but I don't recommend it. ;-)

Christopher Smith <x@xxxxxxxx>

Attachment: SouthParkingMap.xls.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data