Jon Stewart on 3 Jul 2003 18:17:01 -0000

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Re: [ALACPP] Meeting Reminder

> Oh! That explains why there were only the three of us there yesterday...

Yikes! My apologies...

Okay: Let's establish a const-correct meeting time and place, so snafus 
like this don't happen.

While we've traditionally met on Wednesdays, I'd prefer to meet on 
Thursdays, as I don't wish to conflict with XP SoCal meetings. Otherwise, 
I'm not averse to moving to a biweekly meeting on Wednesdays, out-of-phase 
with XP SoCal.

I don't really care where we meet, so long as it's not the damn Cheesecake 

Vote on the list or in person.

Jon Stewart
alacpp mailing list