Sarah Dilling on 18 Jun 2003 16:26:01 -0000

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Re: [ALACPP] Meeting Location for Tomorrow? (06/17/03 noon)

I'll throw in a request, too. Cheap.

As far as meeting space + cheap + (mexican|chinese|japanese), you've

Mexican: El Portal
Chinese: Go China (although a bit noisy, & being used for XP lunch
today, also)
Japanese: Sushi of Naples

Although, only Go China is as cheap as Mezbaan. The others are in the
Lucky Baldwin price range.

Everything in the Paseo is another notch up price-wise from El
Portal/Sushi of Naples/Lucky Baldwin. Which is fine if one of you
employed people is willing to spot me the difference. ;^) In the Paseo,
there's Border Grill (mexican-ish), Tokyo Wako (japanese steakhouse with
performing chefs), fast-food Mexican (might be tough to hang out for an
hour without getting dirty looks), and Islands (tough on meeting space,
and strictly burgers).

I vote for any of the above (outside of the Paseo listings, for monetary
reasons). Anyone else care enough to speak up?

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