Geoffrey Spear on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 04:01:41 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Fwd: Initial Rules Set / Meta-Game - An Experiment in Thought Gaming

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 10:52 AM, Ed Murphy <emurphy42@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> The Rules
>> * Players have the right to create, discuss and agree on rules and rules
>> changes.
>> * New rules are added to The Rules and have to be followed by whomever is
>> required to follow them.
>> * B Nomic is dead from a lack of current interest. May she rest in peace.
>> This rule may be deleted if a rule is added to the current ruleset.
>> [[Players, and the creation of players, is undefined and therefore there are
>> currently no players.]]
>> [[Creation, and the method of creation, is undefined and therefore nothing
>> can be created.]]
> I disagree.  It's reasonable to interpret that unregulated actions are
> possible.  Let's see if anyone agrees:
> I become a player.
> I create a new rule with the following {{{ }}}-delimited text:
> {{{
> A proposal is a rules change suggested by a player. The change occurs
> when all other players approve it.
> }}}

I become a player.

I create (this is not a suggestion, it's a unilateral exercise of my
rights) a new rule with the following {{{ }}}-delimited text:

A player is a person who is aware of the existence of the game who has
not been Exiled from the game. Other than the player generally known
as Wooble, all players are required to follow the rules. The rules
cannot impose a punishment for failing to follow the rules which is,
in the judgment of the player being punished, worse than Exile.

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