Charles Walker on Thu, 28 May 2009 07:29:13 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 1950-1954

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Geoffrey Spear <wooble@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> NOTE: I'll distribute Goethe's proposal separately so it doesn't cause
> the rest of these to get stuck in the queue.  BobTHJ's proposal
> referencing P1945's rule numbers is also being held so e can revise it
> to match the likely gamestate.
> This distribution of proposals 1950-1954 initiates the Bn
> Decisions on whether to adopt them.  The eligible voters for ordinary
> proposals are the active players, the eligible voters for democratic
> proposals are the active first-class players, and the vote collector
> is the Assessor. The valid options on each decision are FOR, AGAINST,
> and PRESENT.
> 1950 O 0 1.0 Tiger                Cleaning the Janitor's office


> 1951 O 1 1.0 0x44                A less Agoran map


> 1952 D 1 3.0 Tiger               Geography Anarchy

FOR, but will it have any effect?

> 1953 D 1 2.0 C-walker            Gnomes


> 1954 D 1 3.0 Wooble              rewikification


> chamber: O = Ordinary; D = Democratic
> interest: 0-3 = interest index
> Proposal ID numbers:
>     highest orderly: 1954
>     disorderly: none
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 1950 (Ordinary, AI=1.0, Interest=0) by Tiger
>  Cleaning the Janitor's office
> Amend Rule 2247 (The Janitor) by replacing "one more" in the second
> paragraph with "one or more".
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 1951 (Ordinary, AI=1.0, Interest=1) by 0x44
> A less Agoran map
>  Replace the text of Rule 2105 with the following:
>  (
>                        -   ,--_--.
>                -           \      `.
>                       -     "-_ _   \
>      -                         / F   )
>                    -     -    / / `--'
>               -              / /
>                    -        / /
>             -            __/ /
>                         /,-pJ
>            -        _--"-L ||
>                   ,"      "//
>      -           /  ,-""".//\
>                 /  /     // J____
>                J  /     // L/----\
>    .           F J     //__//^---'
>      `     ___J  F    '----| |
>   `       J---|  F         F F
>  `   `. `   `--J  L        J  F
>     .   .`     L J       J  F
>        .  .    J  \    ,"  F
>          .  `.` \  "--"  ,"
>             ` ``."-____-"
> )
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 1952 (Democratic, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by Tiger
> Geography Anarchy
> Repeal Rule 2105.
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 1953 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by C-walker
> Gnomes
> Repeal the Rule titled "Notes".
> Amend the Rules "Rests" and "Just Resting" by replacing all instances of
> "Note" with "Gnome" and all instances of "Notes" with "Gnomes", in the
> order
> that they appear.
> Create a new power 2 Rule titled "Gnomes" with the following text:
> {{
> Gnomes are a class of fixed assets. Ownership of Gnomes is restricted to
> players. Each Gnomes has exactly one type as defined by the Rules. Each
> type
> of Gnome is a currency.
> Primary Gnomes, Secondary Gnomes and National Gnomes are all sub-classes of
> Gnomes.
> The Gardener is an office, and the recordkeeper of Gnomes.
> }}
> Create a new power 2 Rule titled "Gaining Primary Gnomes":
> {{
> The following types of Primary Gnome exist:
> Water   (Wa)
> Earth   (Ea)
> Grain   (Gr)
> Summer  (Su)
> Herb    (He)
> Air     (Ai)
> Fire    (Fi)
> Alien   (Al)
> Gnomes are gained as follows:
> (1) (Wa) At the end of each week, for each player, if the number of eir
> interested proposals that were adopted during that week is positive and the
> number of eir interested quorate proposals that were rejected during that
> week with VI >= AI/2 is 0, then each such player gains a number of Water
> Gnomes equal to the highest interest index among all such proposals
> authored
> by that player.
> (2) (Ea) At the end of each week, each player who completed the non-empty
> set of weekly duties of at least one office during that week gains a number
> of Earth Gnomes equal to the highest interest index among all such offices.
>    (Ai) At the end of each month, each player who completed the non-empty
> set of monthly duties of at least one office during that month gains a
> number of Air Gnomes equal to the highest interest index among all such
> offices.
> (3) (He) At the end of each week, each player who published at least one
> on-time judgement during that week gains a number of Herb Gnomes equal to
> the highest interest index among all such cases.
> (4) (Fi) At the end of each week, each player who gained at least one Point
> during that week gains a Fire Gnome.
>    (Al) At the end of each week, each contestmaster who awarded at least
> one Point during that week gains a Alien Gnome.
> (5) (Su) At the end of each week, each player who authored at least one
> proposal with an Interest Index of 2 that passed during that week gains a
> Summer Gnome.
>    (Gr) At the end of each week, each player who authored at least one
> proposal with an Interest Index of 3 that passed during that week gains a
> Grain Gnome.
> }}
> Create a new power 2 Rule titled "Secondary Gnomes":
> {{
> The following types of Secondary Gnome exist:
> Grain   (Gr)
> Grape   (Gr)
> Wine    (Wi)
> Bomb    (Bo)
> Beer    (Be)
> Tea     (Te)
> A player CAN combine (syn. spend, destroy) Gnomes e owns as follows:
> (Gr) A player CAN combine a Water Gnome and an Earth Gnome to create a
> Grain
> Gnome in a specified player's possession.
> (Gr) A player CAN combine a Summer Gnome and an Earth Gnome to create a
> Grape Gnome in a specified player's possession.
> (Wi) A player CAN combine a Water Gnome and a Grape Gnome to create a Wine
> Gnome in a specified player's possession.
> (Bo) A player CAN combine an Air Gnome and a Fire Gnome to create a Bomb
> Gnome in a specified player's possession.
> (Be) A player CAN combine a Water Gnome and a Grain Gnome to create a Beer
> Gnome in a specified player's possession.
> (Te) A player CAN combine a Water Gnome and a Herb Gnome to create a Tea
> Gnome in a specified player's possession.
> }}
> Create a new power 2 Rule titled "National Gnomes":
> {{
> The following types of National Gnomes exist:
> British (Br)
> (Br) A player CAN combine a Beer Gnome and a Tea Gnome to create a British
> Gnome in a specified player's possession.
> If this rule mentions at least six different specific types for National
> Gnomes, then a player CAN destroy one National Gnome of each such type in
> eir possession to satisfy the Winning Condition of Gnome World Domination.
> }}
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 1954 (Democratic, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by Wooble
> rewikification
> In R2138, replace "The portion of a public message" with "A public
> document".
> In R1551, replace "A public document is part (possibly all) of a
> public message." with "A public document is part (possibly all) of a
> public message, or a version of a page on the B Nomic wiki which makes
> no use of transclusion and to which a permanent link has been
> published with a clear intent to designate the version as a public
> document. Publishing such a link counts as publication of the
> document."
> In R2143, add as a new paragraph at the end: "An officer SHOULD make
> eir reports available on the B Nomic Wiki.  Short reports SHOULD be
> published in their entirety to a public forum with a copy placed on
> the wiki, and long reports SHOULD be placed directly on the wiki with
> a link to the appropriate version published to a public forum."
> --
> Wooble
> _______________________________________________
> spoon-business mailing list
> spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx

C-walker, who clearly intends this message to be public.
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