Ed Murphy on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 19:11:26 -0700 (MST)

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[s-d] Full Historian catchup

The player sub-pages are now fully caught up.  A comparison against
the main MoS display turns up the following differences.

  * Mackerel:       My figure  BP's figure

      0x44              57          42
      Codae            275         175
      Hobojoe           51          50
      Ivan Hope          0           4
      Peter             51          50
      Triller           51          50
      Wooble           173         176

    Ivan Hope's difference is due to him being stabbed twice while
    defending.  The other differences, I dunno.

  * Hit Points:     My figure  BP's figure

      0x44             5/10        6/10
      Antonio          6/10        6/10
      Anything McGee   8/10        7/10
      Billy Pilgrim    6/19        11/19
      Codae            0/10        2/10
      Dominov          10/10       9/10
      Hose             4/5         2/5
      Ivan Hope        2/10        3/10
      Murphy           6/10        7/10
      Wooble           7/10        4/10

    Since BP's last update, Hose gnawed Antonio and me, and BobTHJ
    gnawed Codae (but didn't gain HP because he was already at
    5/5).  After backing these out from my figures, the following
    differences remain, dunno why:

      0x44             5/10        6/10
      Antonio          8/10        6/10
      Anything McGee   8/10        7/10
      Billy Pilgrim    6/19        11/19
      Codae            2/10        2/10   <- match
      Dominov          10/10       9/10
      Hose             2/5         2/5    <- match
      Ivan Hope        2/10        3/10
      Murphy           8/10        7/10
      Wooble           7/10        4/10

  * Panic Status - I had omitted the Mulberry reset.  Fixed now.

  * Hall of Fame - I had omitted the Wins by Tomfoolery.  Fixed now.

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