Rainbow Wolfe on Sun, 19 Jun 2005 17:21:41 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [auto] Peter votes

Leave it as a proposal - just declare it illegal and invalidate. Then it 
exists (no-renumbering neccesary) and it now has a state as illegal and 
 - RW

 On 6/19/05, Peter Cooper Jr. <pete+bnomic@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 
> "Daniel Peter Lepage" <dpl33@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > I'm against letting the Minister of Change renumber props, because then 
> e
> > gets the power to unilaterally decide which of a set of conflicting 
> props
> > wins out.
> There's no renumbering; the number is assigned when it's created.
> I was trying to solve the problem of needing to renumber everything if
> a prop. submission is found to be illegal. This happened a couple
> nweeks ago, and it looks like more props-per-nweek changes could be on
> the way (such as Wonko's class system), so it'd be nice if we could
> somehow count illegal actions as taking up a serial number even though
> there isn't actually a prop there. My solution was to allow the
> minister to give out numbers (presumably though the automated script),
> so that if one particular action was found illegal, the number could
> just be deleted and ignored. I'm certainly open to other
> possibilities, though, if someone has a suggestion.
> --
> Peter C.
> "What does that mean?"
> "It doesn't really mean anything, but it sounds neat."
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