athena on Fri, 23 Jul 2004 16:06:52 -0500 (CDT)

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[spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Renumbering CFIs

On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 04:40:18PM -0400, Bryan Donlan wrote:
> I propose:
> {{
> __Renumbering CFIs__
> Replace section I of rule 126 with:
> {{
> I. Definition
> If players disagree about the legality of an action or the
> interpretation or application of a rule or set of rules, any player
> may submit a Call for Inquiry to decide the issue. A Call for Inquiry
> may also be referred to as a CFI or CFJ.
> CFIs are revisable objects, but may only be modified as explictly
> permitted by the rules. However, CFIs are numbered seperately from
> other revisable objects, with each new CFI receiving a serial number
> one higher than the last serial number assigned to a CFI, or 1 if no
> CFI had previously been submitted since CFIs began to be numbered
> seperately.
> }}
> }}

I'm not sure I understand this whole separate renumbering movement.
Currently, the Historical Documents page can summon forth game objects by
number. If I put in 200, I get prop 200. If I put in 300, I get rule
300. If I put in 444, I get CFJ 444. Now that we have separately
numbered proposals, and maybe CFJs, we can no longer do this. How are we
supposed to search the archives for these newly numbered CFJs and props?

Also, with this prop, the next CFJ will be numbered 1, then 2, then 3,
and sooner or later 133. But we already have a CFJ 133, so this is a Bad

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