Bill Adlam on 9 Jan 2004 22:33:12 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] song form

The Pusher Robot wrote:

> ...Literary Forms only 
> matter for proposals; they don't affect rules at all. Although if it 
> bothered you enough, you could always write a prop to modify the
> wording 
> of a rule to turn it back into whatever its original Literary Form
> was.

The form might matter for the Song case, because that could be said to
define a song by example, instead of specifying explicit criteria. 
Changing the scansion would allow a wide licence for future songs, in
addition to the rather generous rhyming.

As the epitaph had it:
Here lies the preacher, judge, and poet Peter
Who broke the laws of God, and man, and metre

Sagitta (buzz-free for 0 ndays)

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