Bill Adlam on 5 Jan 2004 23:43:20 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] Re: Re: Re: Nweek 55 votes

SkArcher found it:

> of more interest though is that all of the quote props
> on this ballot are listed as unauthored props, when
> r396 makes no mention of Unauthored props and rule 19
> clearly states that Unauthored props have no passage
> bonus or failure penalty, which Quote props do have

Zarpint's quote prop is credited to em.  I see r396 does still have the
unauthored keyword.  It's awkward keeping keywords *crackle* up to

> > >Proposal 1749/0: Declaration Of Extreme Cleverness
> > (Sagitta)
> > 
> > As the scam didn't work, I cannot in good faith vote
> > for this proposal.
> > Therefore I vote for it in bad faith, in the hope of
> > getting a contrary
> > vote point.  Plus I aint seen one good lynching in
> > years.
> I'm touched, really I am, by your obvious
> understanding of the game. How long have you been a
> spectator?

Shortly after joining the list I was turned into a *buzz* pillar of
salt by watching the destruction of the grid.  I haven't always been
monitoring the game closely since then (too busy gritting roads and
being thrown over peoples' left shoulders).

> Did I actually mention that I was drinking Scotch that
> night, or was that just a guess on Zarpints part?

In that case, I also moderate it +1 insightful.


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