Baron von Skippy on 5 Dec 2003 17:59:16 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss]Re: [Spoon-business] Let's get this game started /right!/

>> I play both of my Your Spoo Has Too Much Fleem cards, one targeting 
>> SkArcher, the other targeting Glotmorf.
>In the interests of Dave's sanity, I believe we're only allowed to play 
>one card per checkpoint. And we're allowed to draw only once per nweek, 
>and then only if we don't play at all that nweek.
-The rule says "Each player may, no more than three times per nweek, Play a card from eir hand." Now, I can't do anything else this nweek, but I'm legal so far. I'm sure the rule was written with Checkpoints in mind, but that's not what it says.-

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