Glotmorf on 2 Jun 2002 02:58:13 -0000

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Re: spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Society redo

On 6/1/02 at 7:45 PM Alex Truelsen wrote:

>Societies can submit proposals to the game ballot just as Players can;
>are referred to as Society Proposals, or Club Props. If a Society Proposal
>passes, the Members of the proposing Society each get the same dimensional
>changes as a Player would, times (1/(number of Members in the Society)),
>rounded up. All Members of a Society auto-vote "yes" on any proposal the
>Society submits.
>-This is my biggest argument with your proposal, which is otherwise just
>wonderful. vSOI cannot submit proposals, and I'd personally rather keep it
>that way. Now, you could change the first sentence to "Societies may
>proposals to the game ballot, if their Charter allows for it, just as
>Players can;" or, since this would fix my other arguments, it might be
>easier to just make this rule defer to the Charters of Societies. My other
>arguements are other things you included which are not present in vSOI's
>charter that I'd like to remain as such, but minor enough that I'm not
>to argue about them until I see what you think about this rule deferring.-
>                                           -BvS-

It says that down below the section you quoted...

For it to submit proposals, a Society must meet these standards:

a.) The number of Players in the Society must be less than half the number of Players in the game.

b.) *The rules that say how a Society decides to submit a proposal are public rules.*

c.) Each Player in the Society must have (1/(number of Players in the Society)) free in eir bandwidth limit for each Society proposal made.

...but I can put it in the opening para too.
