Donald Whytock on 11 Mar 2002 18:13:16 -0000

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RE: spoon-discuss: RE: spoon-business: The Daily Recognizer (Monday morning)

On 3/11/02 at 12:56 PM Gavin Doig wrote:

>The problem is that, since things have to be recognised / ignored in the
>order they were sent to the list, none of the admin's recognitions since
>he missed those proosals (the ones incorrectly numbered as 457 and 458)
>are valid. And that means that no actions taken by any players since then
>are valid. They won't be until he not only renumbers them, but also goes
>back and recognises them all after having recognised 457 and 458 with
>their correct numbers. And this has to be done every time he makes a
>mistake. I think he'll also have to recognise and ignore (respectively) my
>point giving and taking, and redo everything since then, since he only
>recognised the CFJ, not the point transfers it referred to.

Aren't you the one that's been arguing that the game state is independent of whatever Mr. A says?  So, yes, he had to recognize them in order, but nevertheless they existed in the proper order whether he recognized them or not.

The implication, though, of your argument is that he'd have to essentially compose a massive version of the Daily Recognizer to re-recognize everything in proper sequence since the time my proposals appeared on spoon-business.

But the proposals themselves should be there.  So I should, in a few hours, theoretically be able to cast my vote on, say, the _Serialized Forms_ proposal, the _Ice Gremlin_ proposal, etc., regardless of what their actual numbers are.
