Jörg Rathlev on 1 Mar 2001 18:37:01 -0000

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RE: spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Joint proposals proposal

> > 
> > I make the following proposal, entitled "Joint Proposals"
> > 
> <snip>
> a good idea, but you should make it more formal so that we can distinguish
> between ideas which are contributed with intent to become Joint Proposals,
> and ideas which are just thrown out to improve the proposal (without
> regard to credit) -- like this one.

To be a valid suggestion, a suggestion must be sent to a public forum:

"A Player may suggest an amendment ... by sending eir suggestion to a public forum."

Anything else will just be a normal comment.

Should I make this more specific and add something like "Comments sent to non-public fora are normal comments and their authors do not become contributors."?

BTW, one problem that this might cause is that players stop posting normal comments because they're not rewarded for those, and a lot of traffic moves to the business list. If this happens, we'd have to find a different method.

The other possibilities that I thought of are these:

- The owner decides whether or not to make someone a contributor. This might actually work, because if people see someone never credits the contributors they'll stop suggesting improvements to his proposals and simply vote no. The problem is that they can't make any proposals on their own since that would be "piracy".

- Everyone who posts a comment that convinces the owner to amend his proposal becomes a contributor. The difficulty is to decide which comments to count (for example you wouldn't want to count "me too" comments).

Another question: Should I include a time limit after which the author needs to decide whether or not to accept the suggestion? There should still be enough time for the contributor to make his own proposal if his suggestions are rejected.
