Jamie Dallaire on Sat, 11 Apr 2009 08:33:50 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: Own The World

Quick summary of proposed changes below: Makes outsiders just external
forces that are part of the game, rather than their projections. You can buy
and trade anything that is not part of the game for m10. Makes Factions
Sentient. Redefines Agreements much more loosely such that I don't think
there should really be much ambiguity about what constitutes an Agreement or
not. Fixes weird agreement language in agreement and faction rules (I
think). Removes possibility of Faction ceasing to be a Faction by deciding
so internally but not making any announcement about it.

I Submit the following Proposal, entitled "Own The World":

This Proposal is Dependent on Proposal 1908 (Emancipation and Stickiness).

Amend Rule 1-3 (Outsiders) to read:

An External Force is anything which exists independently of the game. That
is, it would still exist if the game stopped existing, and would still exist
if the game had never started existing.

An Outsider is an External Force that is also a Game Object. As a Game
Object, an Outsider is bound by the Rules. These Rules do not purport to
regulate External Forces except in relation to their interaction with the
Game as Outsiders. [[ i.e., something that exists outside of the game but is
also acknowledged by the rules as influencing the state of the game, and
thus exists within the game as well, such as a player.]]


Amend the Rule named "More About Objects" by replacing the text:


No object can own a Sentient Object. A Dumb Object can generally come to be
owned by another Object if allowed by other Rules.




No object can own a Sentient Object. A Dumb Object can generally come to be
owned by another Object if allowed by other Rules.

Any External Force that is not currently a Game Object may be Claimed by a
Player with at least m10, making the External Force into a Holding (a type
of Tough, Dumb Outsider) owned by the Player. Note that a Player who becomes
the Owner of a Holding does not necessarily also come to own tht Holding's
possessions or components [[e.g. one who claims an Agreement does not also
become the Owner of its Parties]]. The Owner of a Holding may transfer its
ownership to another Player as a Game Action. Any Holding that becomes
Sentient (e.g. by becoming a Player, Faction, or Rule) ceases to be a
Holding and ceases to be owned.


and by replacing:


All Players and Rules are Sentient.




All Players, Factions, and Rules are Sentient.


Replace the text of Rule 5-1 (Agreements) by:


An Agreement is an External Force that consists of, but is not necessarily
limited to, two or more Human External Forces. Any document or set of
documents that regulate the Agreement's operations and membership may be
referred to collectively as a Charter by B Nomic, though the Agreement
itself need not do so. The External Forces, other than the Charter, that
make up an Agreement may be referred to as Parties by B Nomic, though the
Agreement itself need not do so.


Replace the text of Rule 5-2 (Factions) by:


An Agreement with a Charter may become a Faction (a Sentient Game Object) by
announcing its intent to do so if the following conditions are true:

   - The Agreement is not already a Faction or Player
   - There exists at least one Player of B Nomic who is a party to the
   - The Agreement has decided, through its internal mechanisms for doing
   so, to join B Nomic as a Faction.
   - The Agreement's Charter is publicly available in an easily accessible
   manner to all Players, such as on a web page.

A Faction may cease to be a Faction at any time as a Game Action.

A Faction automatically ceases to be a Faction if any of the following
events occur:

   - The Faction ceases to be an Agreement.
   - The Faction ceases to have at least one Player of B Nomic as a party to
   the Agreement.


Billy Pilgrim
spoon-business mailing list