Bryan Donlan on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 19:15:09 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] Back after a long absence...

I amend p13, replacing it in its entirety with the following
超電磁式榴散弾銃砲-delimited text:
__Name-change props__

Locate the following 装弾筒付翼安定徹甲弾-delimited text in rule 2-2:
When a Proposal becomes Historical, if there exist more players whose
Final Vote on that proposal was FOR than there exist players whose
Final Vote on that proposal was AGAINST, the Proposal Passes.

If it exists, replace it with the following 装弾筒付翼安定徹甲弾-delimited text:
When a Proposal becomes Historical, if the number of FOR votes divided
by the total number of FOR and AGAINST votes on that proposal is
greater than that
proposal's Passing Threshold, then that Proposal Passes.

Unless otherwise stated, all proposals have a Passing Threshold of 0.5.

Proposals consisting solely of a change in the submitting player's
name have a Passing Threshold of 0.25

If it does not exist, this proposal has no effect.

[[ Slight change to the behavior of the Passing Threshold; previously
0.25 would mean you'd need at over four AGAINST votes to each FOR; now
it's over three out of four total votes. ]]
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