Zarpint on Sun, 18 Apr 2004 22:21:50 -0500 (CDT)

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[Spoon-business] Godel's Report

The Report of the Meta-Ministry:

The following Ministries exist, are non-vacuous, and are unoccupied:

Billy, Minister of Gremlins
Quotekeeper, Minister of Quotes
Minister of Keys
Minister of the Roster
Merlyn, Minister of Grammar
Attorney Generalist

The Meta-Ministry calls for Elections for all of these Ministries and Highly Encourages
Players to run for office.

The following Ministries are vacuous:
The Head Ambassador, Minister of Multigame Groupings (none known)
Ministries of Foreign Affairs (ditto)
Alan Greenspan, Minister of Economic Affairs (since the Bank's ontological
status is pending)

The following Ministries are occupied:
Kurt Godel, Meta-Minister

In order to get the game working more effectively, I, speaking for the
Meta-Ministry, think we need to fix the Ministers rule, which requires
fixing the Bank situation.
So, I replace the body of p1840 with the following:
Change the text of Rule 21.A.2 to the following ~~~ delimited text:

A.2. Tildex
There exists a unit of currency called the Tilde. "Tildex" is a plural of "Tilde". A number of Tildex may be referred to as Y~, ~Y, ~ Y, or Y ~, where Y is the number. [[Y not??]]

There exists an entity known as "the Great Tilde Basin and Punctuation Exchange, Somewhat Limited", which may be referred to as the Basin. The Basin may create or destroy Tildex, but only as specified by the Rules, and under no circumstances may the number of Tildex in existence be more than the greater of 100000 and W + 2(W-P), where W is the number of Tildex in existence at the beginning of the current nweek, and P is the number of Tildex in existence at the beginning of the previous nweek. When the rules dictate that a player shall receive Tildex without specifying a source, the Basin creates them and gives them to the Player. When the rules dictate that a player loses or has Tildex taken from em without a destination, the Basin takes them and destroys them.

10000~ may be referred to as a Myriad. (G* 10000)~ may be denoted "G??", where G is a real number.

All Players should be able to easily find out the amount of Tildex any game entity possesses by consulting an available public display.

On entering the game, a Player receives 500~.

Change Rule 625.C.3 to the following ?? delimited text:

C.3. Ministry of Twiddles

There exists a Ministry of Twiddles. The Minister of Twiddles may be referred to as "Twiddler". Twiddler is responsible for maintaining the correct and current amount of Tildex each game entity possesses in an available public display. Twiddler has no other powers except as explicitly stated in the Rules.


Remove all BNS, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and The Bank from the game.

Give all players ~500.

In Rule 1272, replace both occurrences of "BNS" with "Tildex".
[[this takes care of all occurrences of "BNS".]]

I propose the following:
{{__Ministry Cleaning__

Remove section A.4 of r625, and renumber section A.5 to A.4.

Remove the following from B.1 of r625:

"If a player who already holds a Ministry is nominated to hold another, e must receive a fraction of the votes equal to (N+1/N+2), where N is the number of Ministries e holds. [[For example, if a player holding 2 Ministries runs for another, e must recieve 3/4 of the vote.]]"

Change r625.B.5 from:

   B.5. Uniform Payment
For each Minister and each nweek, if the Admin at the end of that nweek feels that Minister has performed eir duty during that nweek, e shall receive a payment of ~50. No Minister shall receive any other payment for eir duties.


  B.5. Uniform Payment
For each Minister and each nweek, if the Admin at the end of that nweek feels that Minister has performed eir duty during that nweek, e shall receive a payment of ~50 and 15 points, and at the beginning of the next nweek, e shall receive 4*Q Bandwidth Chits, where Q is the number of Ministries e holds. No Minister shall receive any other payment for eir duties.

Remove the comment at the beginning of rule 625, section C, renumber C.1 - C.9 as C.2 - C.10, and add the following section before C.1:

All Ministries must be listed in section C of this Rule.

Remove the following from the subsection of section C of rule 625 labelled "Ministry of Quotes" [[renumbered as C.5]]:

Each nweek, the Minister of Quotes shall be paid two points per quote added to the Big Ol' Book of Quotes.

Remove the following from the subsection of section C of rule 625 labelled "Ministry of the Keys" [[renumbered as C.6]]:

At the end of an nweek, the Key Minister receives one point for each rule for which keyword submissions were made in that nweek that were not rejected by the Administrator.

Change the first sentence in the subsection of section C of rule 625 labelled "The Ministries of Foreign Affairs" [[renumbered as C.2]] to: "If any Player is eligible to be an Ambassador to XXXX, for some Nomic XXXX, and wishes to be the Ambassador to XXXX, there exists a Ministry of Foreign Affairs to XXXX".
Remove all of the last paragraph of section C.1 after the first sentence of the last paragraph.

Remove the last sentence of subsection C.1.1.
[[getting rid of all the non-uniform payments]]

Both these proposals are Highly Encouraged by the Meta-Ministry.

Zarpint the Incomplete
Kurt Godel
Meta Ministry

Zarpint Jeremy Cook    "All thy toiling only breeds new dreams, new dreams;
mcfoufou@xxxxxxxxx         there is no truth saving in thine own heart."               --W.B. Yeats, The Song of the Happy Shepherd
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