Joel Uckelman on Wed, 3 Jan 2007 15:39:13 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [hosers-talk] greylisting

Thus spake "Jeff Schroeder":

[sorry, your gmail address wasn't subscribed; fixed now]
> I don't get a whole lot of spam from ellipsis, but I am not opposed to
> greylisting. It is likely there exists a "reputable" server that may not be
> correctly configured to re-transmit email.  As bad as that may be, will the
> sender be notified of the undelivery?
The sender should be notified by the originating mail server if it isn't
going to attempt redelivery. If you have a mail server which neither tries
again nor tells you that it isn't going to, then you need a new mail
> Will all servers that attempt at least one re-delivery be considered 'known'
> and then whitelisted?

They're whitelisted temporarily after a successful re-delivery. After 5
successful deliveries, they're whitelisted permanently. (This is all
adjustable, so if we want to vary those parameters we can.)

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