Jon Stewart on Tue, 30 Nov 2004 18:37:20 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [hosers-talk] imap servers?

> If you have an X server running, it's pretty easy to deal with attachments
> by modifying your .mh_profile's mhn-show-xxxxx lines.  Just have it pop up
> xview or something.  And naturally, you can have a .bashrc line that chooses
> the appropriate .mh_profile for your terminal when you log in.  That's how
> I had it set up on my old mail server, though I haven't implemented it yet
> on my current one.

Yes, but I don't want to run an X server/client, as that requires huge 
overhead. I have to launch an X client on, say, charybdis, and then have X 
primitives forwarded over the internet to my machine, which then uses a 
crappy X server (is there any other kind?) for display. SLOW. I would 
rather have the attachment sent over the internet and opened locally, as a 
temporary file or something, in a native client application. FAST.

I'm consistently disappointed with remote X forwarding. It works okay when 
I'm in the same room on a fast LAN. It falls down to 1200bps-like speeds 
when I have to send X up through my DSL.

Jon Stewart                                 Advanced Los Angeles C++
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