Michael Gorman on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 11:04:15 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [eia] confusion

At 12:54 PM 8/11/2006, you wrote:
>So Joel, you're saying that you might have force marched Pechlivan to 
>Mantua (changing the factors and morale for the battle), and thus PK would 
>have been the commander, and you would have chosen a different chit than 
>Bill did (which would have changed everything) ?
>Joel or Mike seem the only ones that could properly propose anything to do 
>about this...
>In the future, I think that it's best if we stick to Kyle's idea, and 
>forces can only be moved by their controlling player.  This may slow down 
>the start of some battles, but it's worth it to avoid confusion or 

It sounds like this was simple confusion.  One person thought a decision 
was made, the other person wasn't quite so certain yet and wackiness ensued.

Much as I dislike giving up a perfect set of chit choices, the battle was a 
great disappointment after that and odds are I can do at least as well on a 
redo.  So if Joel decides he wants to push his corps forward and put his 
commander in charge instead, I'd be willing to reset the forces and fight 
the battle again.

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