Daniel Lepage on Tue, 15 Mar 2005 21:48:26 -0600 (CST)

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[s-n] 83.1 State of the Arena (corrected)

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            The Ministry of the Arena

It is nweek 83, nday 1. This is a correction from the previous state: RW is at (1,4,4), not (4,4,1), and Peter is at (1,2,1).

Current Arena:
 4 *D |  |@ |@ *
 3 *  |  |  |  *
 2 *  |  |  |  *
 1 *  |  |@ |  *    4
     1  2  3  4

         4 *  |  |@ |  *
         3 *  |  |p |  *
         2 *  |  |  |  *
         1 *  |  |  |  *    3
             1  2  3  4

                 4 *  |  |  |  *
                 3 *  |  |  |  *
                 2 *  |  |W |  *
                 1 *  |  |  |  *    2
                     1  2  3  4

                         4 *  |@ |  |  *
                         3 *  |  |  |  *
                         2 *r |  |  |  *
                         1 *I |  |Z |  *    1
                             1  2  3  4

~  : water (can't be entered)
@  : trap (kills you if you enter it)

letter | player    | speed | power | str | skill | Total Level
  W    | Wonko     |   4   |   1   |  1  |   1   |     7
  Z    | Zarpint   |   1   |   1   |  2  |   1   |     5
  r    | Peter     |   2   |   1   |  1  |   1   |     5
  p    | Personman |   1   |   1   |  1  |   1   |     4
  I    | Iain      |   1   |   1   |  1  |   1   |     4

== Recent Activity ==
=== Nweek 82 ===
 * 1st Checking Period
  * Peter Fires at (1,2,2), hitting it and destroying Iain.
  * Peter increases eir AvSpeed by 1.
  * Peter moves to (1,1,1)
 * 2nd Checking Period
  * Peter moves (2,1,1)
  * Peter fires at (3,1,1), missing and hitting (3,1,2) instead.
  * Iain incarnates at (1,1,1)
  * Iain fires at (2,1,1), hitting it but failing to destroy Peter.
 * 3rd Checking Period
  * Rainbow Wolfe incarnates at (1,4,4)
* Peter fires at (1,1,1), missing and hitting (2,1,1) instead, destroying emself.
  * Peter reincarnates at (1,2,1)
  * Peter fires at (1,1,1), hitting it but failing to destroy Iain.
=== Nweek 83 ===
 * 1st Checking Period
  * Traps are placed on (3,4,3), (2,4,1), (3,1,4), (3,4,4), and (4,4,4)


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