Sean Hunt on Wed, 1 May 2013 23:13:10 -0700 (MST)

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[s-d] [IADoP] Personnel Files & Time Sheets

I'm experimenting with a new, more comprehensive IADoP report. Feedback
is appreciated!


The following lists each office, its holder (blank if the office is
vacant), the date that the current holder took office, the office's
Assumption, and the date of beginning of the office's most recent
nomination period.

-------------  -----------  ----------  ----------  -----------
A-A-L [1]      Roujo        2012-01-01  Postulated  2013 Apr 12
Assessor       Murphy       2011-03-05  Postulated  2012 Apr 30
CotC [2]       Murphy       2008-01-02  Postulated  2011 Jan  7
CBG [3]        G.           2013-01-01  Postulated  2013 Apr 12
Herald         G.           2013-01-02  Postulated  2013 Apr 12
Horton         woggle       2012-01-02  Postulated  2013 Apr 12
IADoP [4]      scshunt      2013-04-26  Postulated  2013 Apr 12
Lexicographor  scshunt      2013-04-12  Postulated  2013 Apr 12
Promotor       omd          2013-04-20  Postulated  2013 Apr 12
Registrar      omd          2013-04-23  Postulated  2013 Apr 12
Rulekeepor     woggle       2013-01-24  Postulated  2013 Apr 12

[1] Ambassador-At-Large
[2] Clerk of the Courts
[3] Comic Book Guy
[4] Interstellar Associate Director of Personnel

Weekly Duties

The following lists all weekly reports of offices and when they were
last published.

OFFICE         REPORT                      LAST        STATUS   RULE
-------------  --------------------------  ----------  -------  ----
Assessor       Speed                       2013-04-28  Due      2347
Assessor       VVLOP                       2013-04-27  Due      2389
CotC           Initial Posture, Posture    2013-04-27  Due      1871
CotC           Virtue, PVN                 **NEVER**   Overdue  2356
CBG            Trading Cards               2013-04-26  Due      2385
Herald         Ribbons                     2013-04-26  Due      2387
Horton         Promises                    2013-04-28  Due      2337
IADoP          Assumption                  Right now   On time  2276
IADoP          Offices & history, reports  Right now   On time  2138
Promotor       Proposal Pool               2013-04-28  Due      1607
Promotor       VCs                         2013-04-28  Due      2389
Registrar      Citizenship                 2013-04-28  Due       869 [1]
Registrar      Contact info, history       2013-04-28  Due      2139
Registrar      Untracked switches [2]      **NEVER**   Overdue  2139
Registrar      Activity                    2013-04-28  Due      2130 [3]
Registrar      Publicity, fora addresses   2013-04-28  Due       478
Registrar      Stasis                      2013-04-28  Due      1504
Rulekeepor     Short Logical Ruleset       2013-04-28  Due      1681

The following lists all other weekly duties of offices and when they
were last completed.

OFFICE         DUTY                        LAST        STATUS   RULE
-------------  --------------------------  ----------  -------  ----
Promotor       Distribute proposals        2013-04-28  Due      1607

All reports additionally include the date and scope of their last
ratification without objection, until the next time that the document is

[1] Also by Rule 2139
[2] Currently Chamber
[3] Also by Rule 2139

Monthly Reports

The following lists all monthly reports of offices and when they were last

OFFICE         REPORT                      LAST        STATUS   RULE
-------------  --------------------------  ----------  -------  ----
A-A-L          Recognition                 2013-04-26  Due      2369
Herald         Patent Titles               2013-04-21  Due       649
Lexicographor  Dictionary                  2013-05-02  On time  2388
Rulekeepor     Full Logical Ruleset        2013-04-07  Due      1681
Rulekeepor     Notability                  2013-04-07  Due      2340

Other Duties

The following lists all duties of offices that are not recurring.
Usually, they arise in reaction to specific events, or are ongoing

OFFICE         DUTY                                            RULE
-------------  ----------------------------------------------  ----
A-A-L          Substitute CotC when CFJ submitted to em        2387
A-A-L          Inform foreign nomics when e flips Recognition  2369
A-A-L          Inform nomics of false ambassador claims        2370
Assessor       Collect votes for proposal adoption             1607
CotC           Refrain from assigning judges during Holiday    1769
CotC           Recuse delinquent judges                        2158
CotC           Assign favored, qualified judges & panels       1868
CotC           Assign panels of qualified judges to appeals     911
CotC           Refrain from rotating the bench unless needed   1871
CotC           Judge overdue appeals                           2342
Herald         Award & revoke Champion                         2343
Herald         Announce Patent Title awards & revocations       649
Herald         Initiate and collect votes for thesis defenses  1367
Herald         Award degrees                                   1367
IADoP          Initiate elections by announcement              2154
IADoP          Collect votes for elections                     2154
Promotor       Refrain from distribution during Holiday        1769
Registrar      Publish and record Writs of FAGE                1789
Rulekeepor     Assign titles to untitled rules                 2141

In general, a vote collector of an Agoran Decision has the
responsibility to end its voting period early if it has fewer than two
options (Rule 107), to issue a humiliating public reminder if its voting
period is extended (Rule 2167), to resolve the Decision if it was
required to be intiated (Rule 208), and to break a tie (Rule 955).


The following lists the powers & other perks held by officers.

OFFICE         POWER                                           RULE
-------------  ----------------------------------------------  ----
A-A-L          Occasional Cotc Powers                          2387
A-A-L          Flip Recognition                                2369
A-A-L          Authorize self to take foreign actions          2370
A-A-L          Appoint & extend Ambassadors E & P [1]          2372
Assessor       Collect votes for proposal adoption             1607
CotC           Refuse excess cases                             2175
CotC           Choose which judges to assign                   1868
CotC           Recuse unqualified judges                       1868
CBG            Recordkeepor of Trading Cards                   2385
Herald         Recordkeepor of Ribbons                         2387
Herald         Award novel patent titles                        649
Herald         Collect votes for thesis defenses               1367
Horton         Destroy promises                                2337
IADoP          Initiate and collect votes for elections        2154
Promotor       Restore inquorate proposals                     2350
Promotor       Distribute proposals                            1607
Registrar      Flip Publicity                                   478
Rulekeepor     Assign rule ID numbers and titles               2141
Rulekeepor     Categorize rules                                1681

The vote collector for an Agoran Decision generally has the power to
take the first actions after the resolution of that Decision, to
terminate the voting period of a proposal early if it has been extended
due to lack of quorum (Rule 2168), and to break a tie (Rule 955).

The recordkeepor for an asset can, unless otherwise specified, destroy
it if it is owned by the Lost & Found Department (Rule 2166).

[1] Ambassadors Extraordinary And Plenipoteniary

Recent History

2012-04-24T03:00Z | omd assumes Registrar
2012-04-26T19:49Z | scshunt assumes IADoP
2012-04-27T03:13Z | scshunt elected IADoP
2012-05-02T06:11Z | omd elected Registrar

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